New Direction


I’ve always been on the fence about opening up about a big part of my life, only because there’s a lot of stigma that comes with it. To be quite honest I don’t want to come off like I know everything about it because in reality I don’t and there are spouses that have been doing this much much longer than I have been. To open up is daunting and specially to put yourself out there to receive hate and trying not offending anyone.

I’m a military wife, my husband is full time in the National Guard. So, I like to think I have the best of both worlds. While our life is “relatively” normal, as in we don’t move like active military, we still have a lot of the same experiences being military. I think as a national guard spouse it’s hard because this is part of your life but there are others going through it a lot more then you like being in a different state with no family or dealing with multiple deployments alone with kids at home. The list can go on and on, but without always comparing experiences and just opening up the dialog of just in general being a spouse can be difficult you’re able to draw on others experiences and help you grow through your own.

Now just a quick note, the differences in National Guard and Active military life are, National guard don’t move unless your service member has taken a job in a different unit that requires them to move that is only for the full-time staff, not the M-day soldier. Whereas, Active military usually spends 4.5 years may be less on one base before moving to a different base. National Guard live throughout the community, whereas active military usually live on base.

Now I’m not saying either is better or worse then the other I’m just stating the differences. They both come with trials, tribulations, deployments, good and bad. We all go through similar experiences in life but how it affects each of us are completely different.

While some of my post will change some will stay the same, after taking a step back last year I kind of realized where I wanted to go with this and in reality, this is just a passion project. It gives me a way to get things I find helpful off my chest and into the world.

I hope you stick around for the next posts.

As always Thanks for being here 

- Allyson -


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