“Diet” Update and Looking forward

I am not a fan of the word “diet”. It’s been a struggle to get back on track, I try something it work then life gets crazy and I lose track of what I was doing. It’s life though. Since ending the Whole 30 challenge I’ve maintained, I haven’t gained anything but I also haven’t lost much of anything either.  So, here’s an update on what I’m doing now and what I’ll be doing in the future. 

In a roundabout way I have started intermittent fasting. If your new to this intermittent fasting thing it’s where you go a certain number of hours without food and then eat during the remaining hours of a 24-hour period. Usually, the common split is 16/8, so you would most likely set it up to skip breakfast and eat from 1-9pm.
I didn’t notice I had reset myself to doing this. I didn’t do it out of want or need, I just kind of fell into it. Which is fine it works for me. I don’t normally break my fast till about 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon giving me the ability to eat until 10 or 11pm. It doesn’t happen often but at times I will finally get my dinner around 10 when the kids are finally asleep. 

I’ve tried to clean up what I eat, instead of having mac and cheese when the girls have it, I’ll make myself something else instead. I try to incorporate things I learned doing the Whole 30 into my everyday stuff and it helps, but knowing the kids are picky eaters makes it where either I prep more or spend most of my night in the kitchen making different meals. I do notice how sluggish I am when I “eat normal” compared to when I was doing the Whole 30. 

I will be planning my second Whole 30 challenge here soon which is probably a bad time of year, given the holidays.
At the beginning of December my husband and I have a military dinning out that’s been in the back of my head since having Blake in January. I gave myself a grace period and now its crunch time to get back to a place where I will feel comfortable slipping into an evening gown rather than stuffing myself into one.  We are 46 days out so not total crunch but slightly crunchy.  

Currently my Macro split
1701.13 Calorie
139P | 47F | 180C
(Everyone’s macro split is different please don’t use my numbers and expect results. If you would like help in finding your macros please let me know and I will be glad to find yours)

I struggle with getting enough protein in and haven’t yet started incorporating protein shakes back into my diet yet.  Carbs and Fats, I never have an issue with hitting it making sure I don’t go over I struggle with. Now with that being said I do give myself grace on following macros. If I slightly go over my numbers it’s not a big deal, it is a big deal if you decide to eat a big mac followed by a pizza followed by ice cream. When I say I go over its by like 5g or less. Moderation is key to when your following macro tracking.  
Tracking can be hard I use the app Myfitnesspal, to help track what I’m eating and it breaks it down for you as far as macros if you into that.

Now I’m a firm believer that abs aren’t made in the gym but they’re made in the kitchen. I don’t have abs but that is what I’m told. Your workout goes hand in hand with what you’re eating. Yes, there are some people that are able to eat pizza all the time and they don’t look like it. But on the normal bases it’s 90% food 10% gym. You have to eat well to get the results from the gym you are looking for. 


I try to workout on average 4 times a week for 45minutes. Now yes, random time but I usually encompass my workouts between lunchtime or school pickups. I live in a small town I can’t imagine what it’s like in a city for school pickups. But that’s not the point, the point is I still make it a priority to get it in, even if its only 45 minutes.
I normally go into the gym with some type of plan but nothing set in stone. I almost always start with cardio just to get warmed up, its cold in South Dakota, and that saunas broken at the gym.  Then I move on to weights. I know my problem spots where I hold on to more fat, or it takes a longer time to see any progress so I tend to work on those areas more. I’m not one to follow a split well as far as working out only certain parts certain days. I tend to do more of a full body every day I’m there. That just works for me and the time restraint I have.  

I do have a goal but I also won’t be made that I didn’t hit it by the time the ball is here. So, my goal right now its to just push myself to be healthy, make the decision to grab something healthy rather than drive thru. Make enough for dinner where there are left overs to have for lunch the next day. Push myself to be accountable to get to the gym and give myself the time I need for myself and my sanity. 

Here’s to always looking forward and never looking back. I hope you follow along to see if I’m going to be a stuffed sausage come ball or if I can manage to slip into a dress, obviously with the help of spanks.


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